Re: Re: Re: Polimialgia!
Eingeschickt von (Name zum Schutz des Posters zensiert) March 15, 2000 um 17:59:03:
Als Anwort zu: Re: Re: Polimialgia! eingeschickt von (Name zum Schutz des Posters zensiert) October 13, 1998 um 11:15:08:
Dear Sir,
I am writing to you from Montreal, Canada. My mother lives in Brazil and her diagnostic was "polimialgia". Amazing, for the second time! She was treated once with "cortizon" (meticorten) for four years. Two years later her pains came back and again she started 20mg. Now, 3 years later from the second time, when she was taking 2.5mg, pain back and the doctor increased the dosage to 15mg. Does it sound good for you? We are very worried as she has been taking cortizone for such a long time.
You may answer in German since I understand it.
Thank you in advance,
Dina Feigenbaum
4631 Hingston Av,
Montreal H4A 2K2